Journal Articles
[24] Levinger, P., Dunn, J., Abfalter, E., Dow, B., Batchelor, F., Garratt, S., Diamond, N. T., & Hill, K. D. (2022). The ENJOY MAP for HEALTH: Exercise interveNtion outdoor proJect in the cOmmunitY for older people—More Active People for HEALTHier communities: a study protocol. BMC Public Health, 22(1), [1027].
[23] Levinger, P., Diamond, N.T., Menz, H.B., Wee, E., Margelis, S., Stewart, A.G. (2016). “Development and validation of a questionnaire assessing discrepancy between patients’ pre-surgery expectations and abilities and post-surgical outcomes following knee-replacement surgery”. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 24(10) 3359-3368.
[22] Jackson, M., Sztendur, E.M., Diamond, N.T., Byles, E.J., and Bruck, D. (2015). “Chronic sleeping difficulties in non-depressed young women: a longitudinal population-based investigation”. Sleep Medicine 16(9) DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2015.05.008
[21] Jackson, M., Sztendur, E.M., Diamond, N.T., Byles, E.J., and Bruck, D. (2014). “Sleep difficulties and the development of depression and anxiety: a longitudinal study of young Australian women”. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 17(3) DOI: 10.1007/s00167-014-3432-4
[20] de Bruin, C.L., Deppeler, J.M., Moore, D.W., and Diamond, N.T. (2013) “Public school-based interventions for adolescents and young adults with an autism sprectrum disorder: a meta-analysis,” Review of Educational Research 83(4) 521-550. DOI: 10.3102/0034654313498621
[19] Sztendur, E.M. and Diamond, N.T. (2012). “Using fractional factorial designs for variable importance in Random Forest models”, International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering. 6:11, 1612-1616.
[18] Chambers, J.D., Bethwaite, B., Diamond, N.T., Peachey, T.C., Ambramson, D., Petrou, S., and Thomas, E.A. (2012) “Parametric computation predicts a multiplicative interaction between synaptic strength parameters controls properties of gamma oscillations,” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6:53 doi:103389/fncom.2012.00053.
[17] Booth, R., Brooks, R., and Diamond, N. (2012) “Player Salaries and Revenues in the AFL 2001-2009: Theory and Evidence,” Economics and Labour Relations Review 23(2) 39-54.
[16] Booth, R., Brooks, R., and Diamond, N. (2012) ” The declining player share of AFL clubs and league revenue 2001-2009: Where has the money gone?,” Labour and Industry 22:4, 433-446.
[15] Sahama, T.R. and Diamond, N.T. (2009) “Computer Experiment-A case study for modelling and simulation of Manufacturing Systems,” Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(1), 1-8.
[14] Peachey, T. C., Diamond, N. T., Abramson, D. A., Sudholt, W., Michailova, A., and Amirriazi, S. (2008). “Fractional factorial design for parameter sweep experiments using Nimrod/E,”Sci. Program., 16(2-3), 217-230.
[13] Steart, D.C., Greenwood, D.R., Boon, P.I. and Diamond, N.T., (2002) “Transport of leaf litter in upland streams of Eucalyptus and Nothofagus forests in South Eastern Australia,” Archiv Für Hydrobiologie, 156, 43-61.
[12] Paul, W. and Diamond, N.T., (2002). “Designing a monitoring program for environmental regulation: Part 2-Melbourne Water case study,” Water: Journal of Australian Water Association, February 2002, 33-36.
[11] Sztendur, E.M. and Diamond, N.T., (2002). “Extension to confidence region calculations for the path of steepest ascent,” Journal of Quality Technology, 34, 288-295.
[10] Paul, W. and Diamond, N.T., (2001). “Designing a monitoring program for environmental regulation: Part 1-The operating characteristic curve,” Water: Journal of Australian Water Association, October 2001, 50-54.
[9] Sahama, T. and Diamond, N.T., (2001). “Sample size considerations and augmentation of computer experiments,” The Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 68, 307-319.
[8] Behera, J.M., Diamond, N.T., Bhuta, C.J. and Thorpe, G.R.,(2000). “The impact of job assignment rules for straddle carriers on the throughput of container terminal detectors,” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 34, 415-454.
[7] Cerone, P. and Diamond, N.T., (2000). “On summing permutations and some statistical properties,” The International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 32, 477-485.
[6] Diamond, N.T., (1999). “Overlap probabilities and delay detonators,” Teaching Statistics, 21, 52-53. Also published in “Getting the Best from Teaching Statistics”, one of the best 50 articles from volumes 15 to 21 of Teaching Statistics.
[5] Van Matre, J. and Diamond, N.T., (1996). “Team work and design of experiments,” Quality Engineering, 9, 343-348.
[4] Watson, D.E.R., Hallett, R.F., and Diamond, N.T., (1995). “Promoting a collegial approach in a multidisciplinary environment for a total quality improvement process in higher education,” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 20, 77-88.
[3] Diamond, N.T., (1995). “Some properties of a foldover design,” Austral. J. Statist, 37, 345-352.
[2] Diamond, N.T., (1991). “The use of a class of foldover designs as search designs,” Austral. J. Statist, 33, 159-166.
[1] Diamond, N.T., (1991). “Two visits to Wisconsin,” Quality Australia, 7, 30-31