ESQUANT Statistical Consulting Reports
[57] Diamond, N.T. “Statistical Tests for Data Explorer Application”. Technical Report ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. for Evolve Research. 19 February 2019.
[56] Diamond, N.T. “weighting in Data Explorer”. Technical Report ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. for Evolve Research. 11 November 2020.
[55] Diamond, N.T, Hilton. R.J. and Ryan, G. “Derivation of Formulae used in global Guidance on Sample Size with Examples”. Technical Report ESQUANT Statistical Consulting in association with Lean Sigma Institute and Techpartners Australia for Cook Medical . 6 July 2020.
[54] Diamond, N.T, Hilton. R.J. and Ryan, G. “Sample Size for Validation”. Technical Report ESQUANT Statistical Consulting in association with Lean Sigma Institute and Techpartners Australia for Cook Medical . 28 February 2020.
[53] Diamond, N.T.”Analysis of Acceptance Criteria for Rugby Data”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Schott Minifab. 28 June 2021.
[52] Diamond, N.T. “\(C_{pk}\) Analysis”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Schott Minifab. 25 June 2021. Revised 7 July 2021.
[51] Diamond, N.T. “Quick Analysis of MD Clinical Trial”, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Emeritus Research. 18 March 2021.
[50] Diamond, N.T. “Design of Second Experiment”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Leading Technology Group. 19 March 2021.
[49] Diamond, N.T. “’REML Estimation and Simulation”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Schott Minifab. 9 March 2021. 2021.
[48] Diamond, N.T. “Analysis of Rugby Sample Mapping STATS DATA”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Schott Minifab. 28 February 2021.
[47] Diamond, N.T. “Analysis of Easy Starting Experiment”. Technical Report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting for Leading Technology Group. 12 February 2021.
[46] Diamond, N.T. “Review of ‘The impact on investment of lowering the Equity Risk Premium’”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Houston Kemp. 15 November 2018.
[45] Diamond, N., Hilton, R., and Ryan, G. “Evaluation of Acceptance Sampling Programs”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting, Lean Sigma Institute, and Tech Partners Australia. For Cook Medical Australia. 1 October 2018.
[44] Diamond, N.T. “Draft Statutory License for Review: Service Order-3023120-License Amendment 9379 Statistical Analysis”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For MathasLaw. 25 September 2018.
[43] Diamond, N.T. “Statistical Modelling Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Incitec Pivot. 12 September 2018.
[42] Diamond, N.T. “Forecasting Weekly Data”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Incitec Pivot. 16 March 2018.
[41] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Analysis of Panel Data Sets”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 13 March 2018.
[40] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Forecasting from July 2010 to June 2014 and July 2014 to June 2017”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[39] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Stage C3-Hierarchical Forecasting”. Two Technical reports, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[38] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Stage C2-Effects of Additional Police”. Three Technical reports, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[37] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Stage C1”. Eight Technical reports, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[36] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Stage C Summary”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[35] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Stage B-Univariate Modelling”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 9 March 2018.
[34] Sztendur, E.M, and Diamond, N.T. “Student Experience Survey 2016. 26 Technical reports, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For La Trobe University. 23 May 2017.
[33] Diamond, N.T. and Smyth, R. “Forecasting the Demand for Court Services: Literature Review”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Court Services Victoria. 24 April 2017.
[32] Diamond, N.T. “Regression Analysis of Process Data”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Carter Holt Harvey Pinepanels. 23 December 2016.
[31] Diamond, N.T., Sztendur, E.M, Sandler, S., and Diamond, M.R. “Relationship between temperature and public housing incidents”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For the Department of Health and Human Services. 17 October 2016.
[30] Diamond, N.T., Sztendur, E.M, and Diamond, M.R. “Quarantine and evaluation procedures in the event of a product failure”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia. 8 August 2016.
[29] Diamond, N.T., Sztendur, E.M, and Diamond, M.R. “Procedures for identification of market abuses”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia. 7 July 2016.
[28] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy. “Review of ERA Cross-Validation Approach,” a report for DBP, 24 February, 2016.
[27] Rothfield, Jeremy and Diamond, N.T. “Addendum to ESQUANT report: Estimatimg the yield on a benchmark corporate bond. Further analysis of third party indicator series. A review of the evidence with reference to the measurement period for United Energy,” a report for United Energy, 3 February 2016.
[26] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy. “Estimating the yield on a benchmark corporate bond in January 2015, June/July 2015 and November/December 2015: Analysis to support the transition to a trailing average rate of return on debt,” a report for United Energy, 5 January 2016.
[25] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy. (2015). “AER information request United Energy - Number 032 Return on debt,” a report for United Energy and Multinet Gas, 21 September 2015.
[24] Diamond, N.T. (2015). “Analysis of Ovarian Cancer Survey,” a report for the Centre for Community Driven Research, 4 September 2015.
[23] J.Ockerby, Y.Liu and N.T. Diamond. “Critique of EI’s approach,” a report for Optus in conjuction with Competition Economists Group. July 2015.
[22] J.Ockerby, D.Young, Y.Liu and N.T. Diamond. “Benchmarking prices for DTCS”, a report for Optus in conjunction with Competition Economists Group. May 2015.
[21] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy. (2015). “Evaluation of Methods for Extrapolating Australian Corporate Credit Spreads published by the Reserve Bank of Australia, a report prepared for United Energy and Multinet Gas”; ESQUANT Statistical Consulting, 29th April 2015.
[20] N.T.Diamond and Rothfield, Jeremy. “Comments on Incenta Economic Consulting Report: Methods for extrapolation of the debt risk premium”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. 10 June 2014.
[19] N.T. Diamond, R. Brooks, and Rothfield, Jeremy. “A review of measures of Australian corporate credit spreads published by the Reserve bank of Australia: Submission to the issues paper (Return on debt: Choice of third party data service provider) released by the Australian Energy Regulator (April 2014)”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting in conjunction with Statistical Consulting Service, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, 2014. For United Energy and Multinet Gas. 19 May 2014.
[18] N.T. Diamond and Sztendur, E.M. Design of sampling and testing program for particleboard & MDF: Comments on stages B and C. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting, 2014. For Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia. 15 April 2014.
[17] Diamond, N.T. and Sztendur, E.M. “Design of sampling and testing program for particleboard and MDF: Developing protocol for establishing compliance Part 2”. Technical report, EQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia. 28 March 2014.
[16] N.T. Diamond. Men’s behaviour change program: Update to comparisons of survey 1 and 2. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting, 2014. For Professor Thea Brown and Ms Paula Fernandez Arias, Department of Social Work, Monash University, 14 March 2014.
[15] N.T. Diamond. Paid parental leave survey: Data manipulation. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting, 2014. For Ms Samone McCurdy, Department of Social Work, Monash University, 11 March 2014.
[14] Diamond, N.T. and Sztendur, E.M. “Design of sampling and testing program for particleboard and MDF: Developing protocol for establishing compliance Part 1”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia. 5 March 2014.
[13] Diamond, N.T., Brooks, R. and Rothfield, Jeremy. “Review of ERA(WA) yield curve analysis: Response to explanatory statement for the rate of return guidelines (released 16th December 2013)”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For United Energy and Multinet Gas. 14 January 2014.
[12] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy.”Comments on RBA measures of Australian corporate credit spread”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting. For United Energy and Multinet Gas. 14 January 2014.
[11] Diamond, N., Brooks, R. Rothfield, Jeremy, and Young, D. “The development of yield curves, zero coupon yields, and par value yields for corporate bonds”. Technical report, ESQUANT Statistical Consulting in conjunction with Statistical Consulting Service, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, and Competition Economists Group. For United Energy and Multinet Gas, in response to the AER’s draft return guidelines. 17 October 2013.
[10] Diamond, N.T., Brooks, R. and Rothfield, Jeremy. (2013). “Review of ERA (WA) yield curve analysis,” For United Energy and Multinet Gas. 26 September 2013.
[9] Diamond, N.T. (2013). “Cross-checking of ERA (WA) beta estimates,” For Competition Economists Group. 18 September 2013.
[8] Diamond, N.T. (2013). “Regression Analysis for Credit Rating,” For Competition Economists Group. 17 September 2013.
[7] Diamond, N.T. (2013). “Design of Sampling and Testing Program for Particleboard & MDF,” for Engineered Wood Products Association of Australia. 6 September 2013.
[6] Diamond, N.T. and Young, D. (2013). “Estimating Benchmark Distributions,” For Chorus, in conjunction with Competition Economists Group. 2nd September 2013.
[5] Gray, S., Hall, J., Diamond, N., and Brooks, R. (2013). “Comparison of OLS and LAD regression techniques for estimating beta,” prepared for Energy Networks Association in conjunction with SFG Consulting and Monash University Statistical Consulting Service. 26 June 2013.
[4] Gray, S., Hall, J., Diamond, N., and Brooks, R. (2013). “The Vasicek adjustment to beta estimation in the Capital Asset Pricing Model,” prepared for Energy Networks Association in conjunction with SFG Consulting and Monash University Statistical Consulting Service. 17 June 2013.
[3] Gray, S., Hall, J., Diamond, N., and Brooks, R. (2013). “Assessing the reliability of regression-based estimates of risk ,” prepared for Energy Networks Association in conjunction with SFG Consulting and Monash University Statistical Consulting Service. 17 June 2013.
[2] Diamond, N.T. and Rothfield, Jeremy. (2013). “A review of NERA’s analysis of McKenzie and Partington’s EGARCH analysis,” prepared for Multinet Gas. 9 April 2013 and 5 August 2013.
[1] Diamond, N.T. and Sztendur, E.M. (2013). “Assistance with Data Mining”, prepared for confidential accounting firm. 21 January 2013.